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MIZ Gallery

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페이지 정보

작성자 galleryMIZ 작성일17-06-18 20:23 조회2,306회 댓글0건


Founded in 1997, directed itself toward 21c art with field involved in 1) offering a premise for introduction of art works of distinguished artists active locallery and in the overseas 2) offering a premise to search for gifted artists to draw the public attention regarding their mastery skill including their qualities of distinguished subtlety, sensitivity, respect and purity and 3) Along the exhibition plan for international culture exchange by instruction of the art pieces of oriental and western art as well as those of the third world through collaboration so that the gallery will function towing role for the development of the art of the world.

Gallery Miz
Director Jung, Jong-hyun


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Total 1건 1 페이지
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
열람중 GREETINGS 인기글첨부파일 galleryMIZ 06-18 2307


Founded in 1997, directed itself toward 21c art with field involved in 1) offering a premise for introduction of art works of distinguished artists active locallery and in the overseas 2) offering a premise to search for gifted artists to draw the public attention regarding their mastery skill including their qualities of distinguished subtlety, sensitivity, respect and purity and 3) Along the exhibition plan for international culture exchange by instruction of the art pieces of oriental and western art as well as those of the third world through collaboration so that the gallery will function towing role for the development of the art of the world.

Gallery Miz
Director Jung, Jong-hyun


게시물 검색

MIZ Gallery 101-B105(SK Woonhyun-gung), 461, Samil-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea. Tel 822-722-8005, e-mail pallopa@unitel.co.kr